Fall 2018 Courses

Information Science + Studies is sponsoring a number of exciting courses this Fall, with additional cross-lists and activities coming out of a variety of departments and programs. These include:

imagining androids

First Year Seminar:

  • ISS 89S/ENGLISH 89S/POLSCI: One Person, One Vote (Giugni; EI/W/CZ)

Certificate Gateway:

  • ISS 110/PHIL 110/COMPSCI 110/PUBPOL 110: Information, Society & Culture (Herron; STS/CZ)
Certificate Information Theory/Methods:
  • ISS 198: Experimental Interface Design (Seaman)
  • ISS 240: Foundations of Web-Based Multimedia Communication (Szabo)
  • ISS 320S: Unity 3D Programming/Interaction Design (Zielinski)
  • ISS 366L: Data Visualization (Leunissen)
  • ISS 555S: Physical Computing (Olson)
  • ISS 580S: Historical and Cultural Visualization (Szabo)

Certificate Electives:

  • ISS 250: Building Global Audiences (Dinin)
  • ISS 275: Performance Art History and Theory (Stiles)
  • ISS 302S: Hashtags, Memes, and Digital Tribes (Mottahedeh)
  • ISS 323S: Social Movements/Social Media (Mottahedeh)
  • ISS 390S: Imagining Androids: The Past (and Future) of Artificial Intelligence (Donahue)
  • ISS 315: Mapping History with GIS (Triplett)
  • ISS 425: Intellectual Property and Innovation 
  • ISS 435S: Chinese Media and Pop Culture (Kang)
    ISS 436: Experimental Sculpture (Seaman)
  • ISS 544L: Digital Archeology (Forte)