Support for STEAM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math – infuses much of the curriculum here at Duke.
Each semester Departments and Programs offer courses of special interest to students who embrace the idea of STEAM from around campus. ISS partners with programs like Bass Connections (especially the Information, Society & Culture theme), as well as the Data+, Story+ summer programs. The Innovation Co-Lab provides makerspace workshops and activities as well, both in the Ruby and the Lilly Library on East Campus, and in the Tel-Comm building on West Campus. Duke Libraries provides opportunities for consulting and skills development around digital publishing through ScholarWorks and for data analysis and mapping at the Center for Data and Visualization Sciences. The Duke Digital Humanities Initiative also provides STEAM-related opportunities through the PhD Lab in Digital Knowledge for doctoral students, as well as various other special events and activities for the campus at large. ISS was a past co-host of the STEAM Challenge and AI and Art competitions. In Fall 2019 Science and Society sponsored the STEAM Innovation Forum organized with support from the Provost's Intellectual Community Planning Grant.
ISS and Art, Art History & Visual Studies have a number of course offerings you might want to consider. as you pursue your STEAM interests. Some of these are also tied to the Computational Media, Arts & Cultures Labs in Smith Warehouse and beyond.
Sample TEAM-related Courses in ISS and VMS
- ISS 110: Information, Society & Culture
- ISS 112: The Googleization of Knowledge
- ISS 125L: Foundations of Game Design
- ISS 198: Experimental Interface Design
- ISS 240L/ISS 740L: Web-Based Multimedia Communications
- ISS 268: Media History: Old and New
- ISS 270S/ISS 770S: Immersive Virtual Worlds
- ISS 294L/ISS 794L: Interactive Graphics
- ISS 305L: Virtual Museums
- ISS 316/ISS 715: Mapping History with GIS
- ISS 320/ISS 720: Unity 3D Programming and Game Design
- ISS 356S/ISS 758S: Digital Durham
- ISS 366L: Data Visualization
- ISS 376: Performance and Technology
- ISS 390S: Algorithm and Ideology
- ISS 396: Graphic Design in Multimedia
- ISS 575S: Generative Media Authorship
- ISS 580S: Historical and Cultural Visualization
- ISS 581S: Historical and Cultural VIsualization Proseminar 2