Spring 2018 Courses

In Spring 2018 the ISS program will be offering the following courses:

  • ISS 89S: Dangerous Beliefs (Giugni; First-Year Seminar; M 8:30-11:00AM)
  • ISS 255: Humanities Text Mining + Meaning (Herron; Lecture, TTH 1:25-2:40PM)
  • ISS 356S/ISS 758S (grad); Digital Durham (Abel and Szabo: Seminar, WF 10:05-11:20AM)
  • ISS 390T: Pre-Modern Memes (Guigi; Tutorial, TTH 4:45-5:55PM)
  • ISS 495S: Research Capstone (Szabo; Capstone Seminar, W 6:15-8:45PM)
  • ISS 550S: Digital Publishing (Janiak and Milewicz; Seminar, TTH 10:05-11:20AM)

Additional Cross-Lists (count towards certificate requirements) - see ACES!